Through Pura Andakasa flows the Divine Essence of Brahma and Saraswati, the Divine Mother and Creation.

Pura Andakasa is just a short drive inland from Pura Goa Lawah. From the car park we walk along a path through the forest and arrive after a few minutes at a small altar next to a sacred spring where we gather holy water for the ceremony. Here we pray and ask for permission to enter sacred ground. We arrive at Pura Andakasa after having ascended a series of steps for maybe 10 minutes. Here we perform our ceremony and meditate on Brahma and the Divine Mother represented by Saraswati. The views and Divine presence fill us with peace and an appreciation of all things living on this most beautiful planet.
In the height around 200 metre from sea level, the Luhur Andakasa Temple to be precise was in the geographical position 8 levels 30 LS and 115 levels 30 of BT. Pura big this have a certain area the Angantelu traditional village, in the area of the mangosteens subdistrict, Kabupaten Karangasem.
From Denpasar, this temple was reached in the distance around 60 km - the direction to the east, or 20 km in east the Semarapura city - the capital of the Klungkung Regency.
Was not so clear indeed the history of the establishment.
However his existence it was mentioned in several legacies was written like threw-threw and the archaeological legacy.
From the legacy was written, it was estimated this temple was established by Mpu Kuturan around the age of XI. Despitefully Pura Luhur Andakasa also had the connection with the leader of the religion of Hindu Sang Kulputih, that once to acquire magical power in this place before heading Lempuyang and Besakih.
And was based on observation to areas in this temple could be suspected this temple experienced the development and the improvement around the age 17 - 18 Masehi.
An inscription was gotten in the Panyimpenan Pura Luhur Andakasa Temple, but was not written to the inscription the existence of this temple.
As being raised in various threw, the Luhur Andakasa Temple about status of as some of Kahyangan Jagat, also Sad Kahyangan that was significant to sungsungan all Hindu group in Bali especially, generally in Indonesia.
As Kahyangan Jagat, Pura Luhur Andakasa was stana from Hyang Tugu or the God Brahma that controlled the south region in the structure of gods Nawasanga, the Hyang Widhi manifestation that occupied 9 eyes directions angin.
In the height around 200 metre from sea level, the Luhur Andakasa Temple to be precise was in the geographical position 8 levels 30 LS and 115 levels 30 of BT. Pura big this have a certain area the Angantelu traditional village, in the area of the mangosteens subdistrict, Kabupaten Karangasem.
From Denpasar, this temple was reached in the distance around 60 km - the direction to the east, or 20 km in east the Semarapura city - the capital of the Klungkung Regency.
Was not so clear indeed the history of the establishment.
However his existence it was mentioned in several legacies was written like threw-threw and the archaeological legacy.
From the legacy was written, it was estimated this temple was established by Mpu Kuturan around the age of XI. Despitefully Pura Luhur Andakasa also had the connection with the leader of the religion of Hindu Sang Kulputih, that once to acquire magical power in this place before heading Lempuyang and Besakih.
And was based on observation to areas in this temple could be suspected this temple experienced the development and the improvement around the age 17 - 18 Masehi.
An inscription was gotten in the Panyimpenan Pura Luhur Andakasa Temple, but was not written to the inscription the existence of this temple.
As being raised in various threw, the Luhur Andakasa Temple about status of as some of Kahyangan Jagat, also Sad Kahyangan that was significant to sungsungan all Hindu group in Bali especially, generally in Indonesia.
As Kahyangan Jagat, Pura Luhur Andakasa was stana from Hyang Tugu or the God Brahma that controlled the south region in the structure of gods Nawasanga, the Hyang Widhi manifestation that occupied 9 eyes directions angin.